No Meat Vegetable Soup - Cooking time 3 hrs.- Alkaline PH Friendly
No Meat Vegetable Soup - Cooking time 3 hrs.- alkaline friendly
-large pot - we use a dutch oven
-6 cups water
-4 level tablespoons of chicken soup base
-to taste - basil,worcester, tabasco,seasoned salt,pepper
-turnip,baby carrots,green beans,sweet potatoe,white potatoe,
celery, mushrooms,cabbage,kale(1/5 of a head) spanish
onion,celery, all cut in 1 inch pieces. Kale cut in strips, too
much of this leafy vegetable will produce a strong taste.We
divide the kale head into 5 parts and freeze 4 of them for future
soup. SuperMarket kale heads vary - ours are particullary large.
For the first hour
-1 handfull each brown rice,wild rice,barley,condiments. I have
big hands so judge accordingly.Next to go in turnip,sweet
potatoe,celery,carrots,,kale, to start - bring to a boil,turn down
heat to simmer for about a hr.
For the second hour
Add cabbage,white potatoe, and onion cut in strips, and
mushrooms. green beans, barely simmer - we use a trivet to control heat.
For the third hour
Taste test often, within the last 15/20 minutes add a handful your
favourite soup pasta. Soup will be done when turnip and sweet
potatoe are easily cut. By adding vegtables in this order, all are
done about the same time and do not disentgrate from over
The key to making this soup is the taste test. Check often
to see what suits your taste. I often add some more chicken
stock and sea or seasoned salt.This makes a very thick soup
we sometimes water it down slightly before serving. Makes
enough for 2 for about 5 days, depending how hungry you are.
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