Shift Work And Diabetes

I worked as a shift worker for 38 years.

Mortality risk was greater for men. the authors said. It has been suggested lack of sleep or poor sleep quality may worsen insulin resistance.They said those working shift work should keep a eye on their health and diabetes related symptoms. British Medical lour rial's Occupation and Environmental Medicine puhlisher the study online.

We worrked midnight to 8:00 AM for 5 days,
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 5 days, 4:00 PM to midnight,
5 days.15 days straight and then 10 days off. You 
never get used to the midnight shift, everything
is upside down. You can only try to eat at 
approximate same time. Your sleep cycle is completely
out of whack. It takes most of your time off to try
and get regulated again. Then the "cycle" starts again.

I did work some 12 hr. shits when we were commisioning
the new unit installs at 4 stations on the Madawaska River,
then I had only 1 day off a month as there were only 2
operators working insted of the normal 5.However this
was only for the better part of 2 years. I made a ton
of money in overtime, so I did not complain. In fact We
were able to pay cash for the house we presently live
in,which was unheard of in the 70's. Just think of the money
we saved by not having a mortgage. Mortgage rates in 
those years were at a all time high, a couple we knew were
almost paying 20%.

There is no "diabetes" on either side of my Ancestry
so I believe there is some truth in this article. I am a
Type 2 diabetic and taking 2 pills a day seems to keep
it in check.


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