Trump threatens Canadian trade

Trump threatens Canadian trade: Ronald Reagan supported the Canada-U.S. and George H.W. Bush the North American free-trade agreements. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were free traders, and Barack Obama launched trade talks with Europe and Pacific nations. But the free-trade consensus has broken down. Ms. Clinton, who is almost certain to win the Democratic presidential nomination, confronts both Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders, who opposes free trade from the left, and Mr. Trump, who on Tuesday called NAFTA “in the history of the world the single worst trade deal ever done.” In consequence, Ms. Clinton has become more hawkish on trade, saying she opposes the Trans Pacific Partnership as currently negotiated. Trade represents two-thirds of Canada’s GDP, and three-quarters of that trade is with the United States. If the Trump/Sanders opposition to free trade becomes entrenched, Canada will suffer more than most from the rising protectionist tide.

 English Canada was partly founded by American loyalists fleeing the revolution. Tens of thousands of Americans moved to Canada to avoid being drafted during the Vietnam War, enriching Canadian society (and helping tilt us politically to the left). A Trump victory could convince many thousands of well-educated, highly-skilled and socially tolerant Americans to come north. Canada would be better for having them.


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