
Showing posts from May, 2016

Wicked Witch Flies Away With Nothing

The "Wicked Witch " jumped back on her broom and leaves Alberta booed  by Albertan's who shot down her efforts to have natural gas heating removed from Ontario Homes and use electric heating. The cost per home owner about $10,000 for conversion never mind the double to triple cost of electricity heating. Also a big loss to Alberta Gas Suppliers who are hurting right now. What a dumb proposal. 

Unwanted Windows10 Nag

Windows 10 Nag If you are getting tired of a Nag from Win10 telling you it's your  last chance for a unwanted copy of Win10 to be installed - You can do this. - Right click on Win10 upgrade icon - Click on Upgrade Status - Left corner icon "getting upgrade"   view confirmation - Bottom left "cancel reservation." - Cancel Reservation. Why does MSN  complicate removal every time you want to delete some unwanted piece of software you never asked for in the first place. 

Trump threatens Canadian trade

Trump threatens Canadian trade: Ronald Reagan supported the Canada-U.S. and George H.W. Bush the North American free-trade agreements. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were free traders, and Barack Obama launched trade talks with Europe and Pacific nations. But the free-trade consensus has broken down. Ms. Clinton, who is almost certain to win the Democratic presidential nomination, confronts both Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders, who opposes free trade from the left, and Mr. Trump, who on Tuesday called NAFTA “in the history of the world the single worst trade deal ever done.” In consequence, Ms. Clinton has become more hawkish on trade, saying she opposes the Trans Pacific Partnership as currently negotiated. Trade represents two-thirds of Canada’s GDP, and three-quarters of that trade is with the United States. If the Trump/Sanders opposition to free trade becomes entrenched, Canada will suffer more than most from the rising protectionist tide.  English Canada was pa...