Tent City Could House All Refugees
The sprawling network of high quality tents are located in the city of Mina, spreading across a 20 square km valley, and are only used for 5 days of the year by Hajj pilgrims. As the website Amusing Planet reports, "For the rest of the year. Mina remains pretty much deserted.'
The wealthy Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states receive zero Syrian refugees
36 million refugees from Syria [95 percent) are found in Ihe following five countries Turkey,
Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypl
Lebanon is hosts lo 1 1 million refugees registered wilh UNHCR, which amounts lo about 26
percent lof Ihe country's population
Jordan hosts 616,615 registered refugees, which amounts to 98 percent of the population
Turkey is hosting 1 6 million refugees, which amounts 2 4 percent the population
Iraq hosts 225,373 registered refugees, which amounts 0 67 percent of the population
Egypl has 142,543 registered refugees, which amounts 0 17 percent of the population
In Syria, about 190,000 people have been killed and 10 8 million people are in urgent need of
humanitarian assistance inside the country.
More than 10 million Syrians, or 45 percent the country's population have been displaced
Of these, 6 5 million are displaced wilhin Syria and aboul 4 million have sought refuge in other
A lotal of 63,170 resettlement places have been offered globally since the crisis in Syria
began, which only represents only 1 7 percent of the total number of refugees in Lebanon,
Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and Turkey
376,664 people in Ihe five host countries • or ten percent are in need of resettlement
(permanent residence), according lo UNHCR
Amnesty International calls for at least five percent of refugees lo be resettled from the 5 host
countries in late 2015, and a further five percent by the end of 2016 (this amounts to 360000
The six wealthy Gulf countries -Qatar, Ihe United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwail and
Bahrain -have offered to receive exactly "zero" Syrian refugees
It could of course be because Ihese countries are already islamized
high-income countries, including Russia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea have also
offered lo receive exactly zero percenl of the Syrian refugees
II could of course be because they refuse lo drag the conflict in their own countries.
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