Do you suffer from acid reflux?

Dr Oz: Acid Reflux Symptoms
Do you suffer from acid reflux? If so, you are not alone since about 1 million people suffer from the uncomfortable condition. Dr. Oz says you might even be taking medication for acid reflux, but new research shows they could be secretly causing you more harm than good while putting your long-term health at risk.
Dr Oz: Acid Reflux Natural Remedies
Dr. Oz says the signs of acid reflux include a burning pain from the stomach to your throat, sour taste in your mouth, hoarseness, and chronic cough. These symptoms strike many people on a daily basis, but he has the natural non-medication solutions to help ease your discomfort once and for all.
Dr Oz: Acid Reflux Natural Remedies + Licorice Supplement Review
Dr Oz says a Licorice Supplement is a natural way to ease the burning pain caused by acid reflux.
Melatonin is a common sleep aid, but in this case it helps to ease your acid reflux when taken properly. Take 3 MG 2 hours before bed for a minimum of 2 weeks and up to 4 weeks.
A Licorice Supplement (DGL) helps to coat the esophagus and the stomach to prevent some of the burning that happens because of acid reflux. Chew 1-2 tablets before a meal. What does (DGL)
mean? deglycyrrhizinated (offending compound removed) No wonder it's called GDL.
For the occasional acid reflux flare-up Baking Soda is the easiest solution of them all. Dr. Oz says it is an alkaline solution, which will help to neutralize the acid. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to a ½ cup of water for immediate relief.


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