TOTO commodes - 1.6 gallon per flush
Lately our attention has been of all things. How to flush
and what commode to buy that efficiently does the job.After
much web surfing we settled in a brand that seems altogether
foreign to Canadians.A Japanese company called TOTO.
Sometime this year all residents of North Bay will be on
metered water. Now how does this effect us? According to
statistic's I think they were provided by TOTO 26,665 gallons
of water are used by a standard toilet compared to their low
1.6 gallon usage in a year. That's a lot of water;now if you
compound that by 2 to 3 extra toilets much dinero $$$$
flowing out of your wallets.Already I can see brown lawns as
people cut back to save money.
Now for the price of change. Our low flow Florida toilets
needed replacing they were very inefficient and continually
plugging up.Can you imagine having visitors and explaining
the intricacies of a plunger.Cost of 1 TOTO toilet and lid
(sold separately)delivered $282.00.The lids are special they
close by themselves quietly with a little nudge.
Checking into Canadian outlets, TOTO was very hard to find
and we finally found a supplier of all places in Port
Carling,Ontario. The cost of the Canadian toilet was almost
double that of the USA supplier at $548.00,not delivered.
Will we bite the bullet and install one in
NB,definitely.These commodes really work,so I hope to
enlighten people about solving a possible problem down the
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