Ontario Hospitals - Radiation Treament Facilities

Sudbury has the only Cancer radiation treatment in the North. NB
is only 90 miles from Sudbury so it's not a great imposition to drive
there for treatments. On the other hand if you live in Timmins,KL,
Kap, well that's another story. That's why transportation is so important.
I had to go to Sudbury for 10 radiation treatments, on a daily basis,or
stay there for 12 days. We took the driving option. Fortunately they
have a TV hookup at the local Hospital that the Oncologist could check

me out after a couple of follow up trips to Sudbury.Ontario has a total
of 5 for the whole Province. Mississauga,Barrie, Sault,Sudbury,Ottawa.
No plans for anymore. My Mum always said make your stay in the
Hospital as short as possible the places are full of disease. Outbreaks of
new, bacterial strains of  super bugs: those infectious organisms
that make patients sick, and may even cause death. They are called
super bugs because it's very difficult to kill them with existing drugs,
meaning, it's very difficult to treat patients who get sick from them. Whereare hospitals cutting back on expense. Of course cleaning crews,the people that keep these bugs in check, not high priced Administrators.

65 yrs.ago I used to hate going to KL hospital to pick up our shopping list my Mum made out. It smelled to the high heaven of cleaning products,used to make me gag.

Not any more -they use environmental,nice smelling cleaning stuff. Are they effective? Then why are so many patients getting infected with these super bugs?I stay clear of hospitals,unless there is no choice.Unfortunately I have to go to thenew  NB hospital in May for cataract eye surgery.Not looking forward to that.Thesurgery is not particularly invasive but again I just don't like hospitals.


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