North Bay Early Days #9

When the Dionne quintuplets were born, a special power line to their home was built to provide the infants with electricity for their incubators. The Nipissing System generated that power.

Times have changed. In 1950, the three power plants became part of the Ontario Hydro grid through the North Bay Transformer Station, which now supplies additional electrical en­ergy to the area.

By mid-1970, greater capacity was provided through Trout Lake Trans­former Station at North Bay. Electrical operators at this location now super­vise the operation of the three original plants by remote control.(this is where I worked from 1970/1988 and retired).
We also controlled the district power to transformer stations and rural supply. We remotely controlled 2 other generating stations Crystal Falls(8 megawatts) and Otto Holden(240 megawatts).
Today's power consumption dwarfs the old system on the South River which once was so vital. Where at one time all customers in Hydro's Nipissing System were supplied by the three generating plants, now the City of North Bay itself requires the equivalent capacity of 18 sets of these little power stations.


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