Netflix refuses CRTC demand
Netflix lauded for CRTC spat Re Netflix refuses CRTC demand for confidential data, Sept. 23/2014 Wow! Finally a nice, brutal fight developing over Canada's tight-fisted broadcasting regulations. Netflix has responded to the CRTC's bullying tactics of last week with a forceful uppercut to chairman Jean-Pierre Blais' unenforceable bluff. Blais referred to an "exemption order" that controls Netflix's activities in Canada. Exemption from what? Netflix is clearly exempt from Canadian laws (and "orders") because it does not live in Canada. Will Canada (or the CRTC) take measures to control the Internet? Our Prime Minister says no. Many witnesses to last week's hearings were duly impressed by the forceful presentation by Netflix representative, Corie Wright, on behalf of the very popular American program distributor. She never hesitated to praise a free-enterprise system of TV that has the ability to please customers without the interfer...