
Showing posts from June, 2013

Civil War at Gettysburg - Canadian Doctors

Dr. Francis was 32 when he served at Gettysburg and Solomn  Secord was 29. Secord and Wafer, both products of Canadian Medical Schools, were  highly sought by recruiters. Canadian schools, patterned on British  and European systems, were at the forefront of medical science, with  curriculums that included surgical and dissection classes. As Wells notes: "Even though Wafer had just one year under his belt  at Queen's, he was already more qualified than many practicing  American doctors." Secord, with six years practice, was pure gold.  Both men arrived at Gettysburg early on the morning of July 2nd.  Secord on the Confederate right near Devil's Den. While Wafer experienced the horror of battle first-hand, Secord had  his own front-row seat to the nightmare at the 20th Georgia hospital  on Plank Farm, southwest of town. He was the man at the end of the  line, carrying the weight of life and death decisions that came with  triage....
 Hawker XV-6A (or Kestrel) This neat little jet can certainly fulfill a lot of possible scenarios. It's not a so called stealth,but who needs stealth for our  patrol of the Canadian North. Do we want to sneak up on a few Eskimos? or do we want a versatile aircraft that can go anywhere? Land almost anywhere,Be hidden almost anywhere. It's tried and true - technology around since the 60's. Cost compared to the F-35 at about 4 million a shot we could buy 9 of them for 1 F-35.Think about it.

Cell Phone or GUN ???


Canada and EU Free Trade - No Benefit for Us

A free trade deal between Canada and the European Union would cost tens of thousands  of workers their jobs, according to a new study. Three simulations to see what a Canada-EU free trade deal would mean to the Canadian  economy, and in every case Canada's bilateral trade deficit with the EU would worsen. Free trade deals between countries only help the wealthy . This has been proven time and  again - especially NAFTA . It becomes a race to the bottom to see which corporations can  get the best tax break . In the best-case scenario — one in which tariffs are mutually eliminated that could  foresees the loss of 28,000 Canadian jobs. In the worst-case simulation — one in which tariff elimination takes place along with a  further appreciation of the Canadian dollar versus the euro — the job losses could top  150,000. Canada has already signed bilateral free trade deals with the U.S., Mexico, Costa Rica,  Colombia, Chile, Israel, Peru, Jordan, Panama ...

NAFTA - Free Trade

Canada U.S. investment in automotive production,Increases in oil exports to the U.S. Increases in shipment of beef, agricultural, wood and paper products to the U.S. Canada has lost manufacturing jobs initially to USA There were immediate losses as factories in Canada were moved to U.S.A. Or Mexico.Some were already American owned. Some were bought by American companies and moved. ************************** USA While NAFTA's overall financial impact has been generally positive, it has not lived up to the high expectations of its proponents. It has made many U.S. companies and investors rich - and their managements richer. ************************** Mexico The NAFTA bill created economic benefit for corporations, but has created a host of problems for everyday citizens. Mexican citizens have suffered the closure of family farms and smaller enterprises. The negative effect on the Mexican economy has been a contributing factor in the rise of drug cartels in Mexico. These factors have ...

More On Netflix and Streaming Services

Netflix,Hulu and other video-streaming services, including  CinemaNow, iTunes and YouTube. Netflix offers an all-you-can-watch selection for the  monthly fee, while CinemaNow is a la carte: you pay only  for what you want. The convenience of accessing commercial-free shows  and movies when and where you want is the main selling  feature of these services. She says cable and satellite providers are countering the  threat by boosting their connection speeds. "If they can offer faster, more consistent Internet  connections at a raised price, they can recoup the lost  revenues from their cable/TV business. We expect  increased competition over the next year — including  services offered by Rogers, Videotron, Astral Media and  Bell getting into the game." Another draw is original content  Netflix's House of Cards,  an exclusive and critically heralded series, is a good  example. Here's a look at some of the players: Netfli...