Newfounland,Labrador - Getting the Quebec Shaft
Prime Minister Stephen Harper is travelling to Labrador(Nov.30th.) to unveil details of what is expected to be the loan guarantee that he pledged during the 2011 federal election campaign. Interprovincial politics have played a key role in Muskrat Falls, as Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia have partnered to find a way deliver power to other markets while bypassing Quebec . Newfoundland and Labrador has had a strained relationship with Quebec for decades, due largely to the 65-year contract with Hydro-Quebec over the Churchill Falls generating station. Under that deal, which expires in 2041, Newfoundland and Labrador sells power at a flat, inexpensive rate to Quebec, which has been able to resell the power to other markets while keeping all the profits. Today, Hydro Quebec pays only about 1/4 of a cent for a kilowatt hour and then resells it for up to 6 cents. That's like buying oil at $1.65 a barrel and re-selling it at the world price of over $30 (Canadian) a barrel....