
Showing posts from September, 2010

Important Discovery -- Omega 3

Several studies have suggested that the health benefits associatedwith the consumption of omega-3 fat are linked to their anti-inflammatory abilities. Recent information also shows that thisimpact is caused by the fat's direct interaction with immune system cells that are responsible for causing inflammation. Omega-3 is an essential fats that we as humans cannot create ourselves and must therefore come from our diets. Flaxseed and certain nuts (walnuts in particular) are good sources of * omega-3 (short chain); while fatty fish is a primary source of animal-source omega-3 (long chain). The regular consumption of these foods is important because a lack of omega-3 is directly associated with the development of several cardiovascular and neurological diseases, as well as cancer. The positive impact that omega-3 fats have is due to various effects it has on the person. For example, the presence of long-chain omega-3 in ceU membranes allows them to be more malleable, therefore facflitat...

Health Problem or Coincidence - Part 2

How dirty electricity affects your life -Part 2 Scientists in Russia have been at the forefront of EMR research. During the Second World War, they noticed that radar operators often suffered from symptoms that we now attribute to EMR. And during the height of the Cold War, they secretly bombarded the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwave radiation, causing radiation sickness. Later, in 2007, a collaboration of scientists from the U.S., Sweden, Denmark, Austria and China released a 650-page report citing 2,000 studies that detailed the toxic effects of EMR. It concluded that even low-level radiation could impair immunity and contribute to Alzheimer's disease, dementia and heart disease. Other studies have linked EMR to miscarriage, birth defects, suicide, Lou Gehrig's disease and Parkinson's disease. In addition to these disorders, there's evidence that EMR triggers cancer. In Australia in 1956, when television was introduced, researchers documented a rapid increase in m...

Health Problem or Coincidence - Part1

How dirty electricity affects your life -Part 1 Are you feeling tired, suffer from sleepiness, depression, increased irritability, unexplained aches and pains, headaches, skin rashes, ringing in the ears, numbness, an irregular heart beat, increased blood pressure or a foggy brain? If so, you may be suffering from "electrosensitivity." Dr. Magda Havas, a renowned international expert on elctro-magnetic radiation (EMR), says "dirty electricity" is a growing worldwide health concern. Today, few of us would want to discard our electronic devices. But I never realized how modern electrical gizmos generated so much dirty electricity. Dr. Havas says clean electricity originally powered our homes and workplaces, using a safe frequency of 60 Hertz (Hz). Today, transformers convert 60 Hz to low-voltage power for electronic devices. This creates micro surges of dirty electricity that contain up to 2,500 times the energy of a conventional 60 Hz electrical system. In effect, we...