Important Discovery -- Omega 3
Several studies have suggested that the health benefits associatedwith the consumption of omega-3 fat are linked to their anti-inflammatory abilities. Recent information also shows that thisimpact is caused by the fat's direct interaction with immune system cells that are responsible for causing inflammation. Omega-3 is an essential fats that we as humans cannot create ourselves and must therefore come from our diets. Flaxseed and certain nuts (walnuts in particular) are good sources of * omega-3 (short chain); while fatty fish is a primary source of animal-source omega-3 (long chain). The regular consumption of these foods is important because a lack of omega-3 is directly associated with the development of several cardiovascular and neurological diseases, as well as cancer. The positive impact that omega-3 fats have is due to various effects it has on the person. For example, the presence of long-chain omega-3 in ceU membranes allows them to be more malleable, therefore facflitat...